Networked Low-level Programming
Networked Cowboy Warbands Game
As a small group, we worked together to plan a game which essentially took the core loop of XCOM: UFO Defense (1994) and make it to work over a network. Using a C networking library with a C++ wrapper known as ENET.
Taking inspiration from Warband warfare games such as Games Workshops' "Necromunda" and "Mordheim", we decided upon a unit initiative turn based system.
I implemented A* Path-finding, an Action Queue, Units, several User Interface elements and worked closely with my team-mate to create the best game that we could within the alotted time.
Click the GitHub Octocat to access my Repository. It's public, so have fun!
My only Regret....
"Not implementing awesome randomised cowboy names!"
This Game is available on request! (To avoid plagiarism).
Gameplay Programming - Chris Hopkins
Engine Architecture & Networking - Ricardo Heath